European Film Festival 2015

This is the eighth consecutive year that this festival is taking place in Sri Lanka and this year the organising committee is chaired by the European Union Delegation in Colombo and coordinated by Agenda 14.
Like in the past, the National Film Corporation of Sri Lanka too joins hands as a partner of the festival.
This year, EFF will collaborate with first Jaffna International Cinema Festival to be held in Jaffna from 15th-21st September to present ‘European Panorama’ in the peninsula.
There after the festival will travel to Kandy, Baticaloa, Matara, Horana and the festival will conclude in Colombo.
Recently released and highly acclaimed films from Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland and The United Kingdom will be screened this year.
This festival is a shared international cultural experience that aims to promote a friendly relationship and to increase the mutual understanding between European Nations and Sri Lanka.