Enrique Iglesias injured in concert mishap with a drone

Spanish pop star Enrique Iglesias is seeking treatment after a drone cut his hand during a last Saturday concert.

Iglesias continued the show with his hand bloodied and bandaged. Pictures and video from the event show him smearing his blood on his T-shirt in the shape of a heart.

"Another example of his professionalism!" his publicist Joe Bonilla said.

The mishap occurred in front of some 12,000 people in Tijuana, Mexico, as part of Iglesias' "Sex and Love" world tour.

A flying drone is used during shows to get crowd shots. Iglesias is known to grab the drone and turn it on himself and the audience to give a "point of view shot," Bonilla said in a statement.

Saturday was one of those days. Pictures and videos from the event show Iglesias grabbing the drone and attempting to turn it before he abruptly drops it.

Adile Flores, who claimed to witness the event and record it on her phone, said the blood splatter landed on close to the stage. He continued with the concert even though it was clear he was bleeding heavily, she told CNN. Eventually, he raised his hands as if to show he was bleeding and left the stage. About 10 minutes later, he returned with his hand wrapped, she said.

"Something went wrong, and he had an accident. He was semi-treated by crew on the side of the stage to try and stop the bleeding," Iglesias' publicist said.

He was advised to stop the show, but he decided to keep going, the statement said. Pictures from the event show him hiding his hand bloodied and bandaged hand behind his back.

After the show Iglesias met an ambulance at the airport. From there, he flew to Los Angeles to see a specialist, Bonilla said.

"Team Enrique" posted a statement on his official website thanking fans for their "concern and well-wishes."

"Enrique is getting the help he needs and we hope he will be totally fine. We will keep you posted and appreciate all your wishes and prayers."

Regardless, his devoted fans were impressed.

"I admire his professionalism, his great energy, always doing his 100 percent to satisfy his fans. It is really admirable and that is why he is the best. I hope is doing well," said a fan on the Enrique Iglesias Tijuana fan club Facebook page.


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