Petal collage by Collins

Collins, gathers materials for her collages from the areas surrounding her home in Ravenna, in Seattle. She then arranges the pieces into intricate shapes, using the natural colors to create a sense of depth. Through her intrinsic understanding or color and texture, she is able to transform flower petals into feathered birds, berries into sea creatures, and leaves into human faces.
Collins revealed that her love of nature was fostered at a young age, during her backpacking trips through magnificent mountain meadows. She would often pretend to be a fairy, and gathered plants to press in books at home. When she grew up she majored in theater, and refers to herself as “a product of its dark, magical, sparkly world.”
As an adult, Collins has managed to retain that admiration for nature, and continues to use it as an inspiration for art. New ideas for pictures jump out at her constantly as she goes about her day. “I go for a walk in my neighborhood or bring a bouquet home from the market and I see a whale’s tail in a shamrock’s leaf, or a snake’s scales in the sedum,” she said.
(Source & Pics- Oddity Central)